Welcome to St. Agnes
Celebrating the Good, the True, and the Beautiful
8:00 am (ASL Interpreted)
9:15 am (Traditional Latin)
11:00 am
Monday - Friday: 6:00 am
Wednesday: 5:30 pm (Traditional Latin)
8:00 am
4:00 pm (Sunday Anticipated)
Monday - Saturday: before daily Mass
Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45 pm
By appointment
Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm
Monday-Thursday: 9 am to 4:30 pm
Friday: Closed
Last Sunday of the Month, 5 pm
Second Sunday of the Month, 5 pm
Construction Updates
A Beacon of Hope and Witness of Faith
Since its founding as a mission of St. Joseph Church (now the Cathedral of the Diocese of Baton Rouge) on May 27, 1912 and its establishment as an independent parish on February 9, 1917, St. Agnes Parish has been a vibrant sign of the presence of Christ in His Church. Seated on the edge of historic Beauregard Town, seated between Downtown Baton Rouge and Louisiana State University, St. Agnes Parish has proudly served the local community in a variety of fashions. For decades the Dominican Sisters staffed St. Agnes School. After the closing of the school, the Missionaries of Charity, founded by Mother Teresa, set up in its place a women’s shelter and soup kitchen to serve the poor in our area. To these we can also add the Mercedarian Sisters and the Holy Ghost Fathers, together with numerous other diocesan priests, to the ranks of clergy, religious, and lay faithful who have ministered in this community that has from its foundation been a beacon of hope and a witness of faith. May God bless each and every person who visits our campus and may He continue to pour out abundant blessings upon St. Agnes Parish, that we may truly live the Catholic faith and pass it on, in its fullness, to the next generation.
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We cannot accept donations for the Missionaries of Charity.
Please contact them at (225) 383-8367 for details on how to donate.