Cafeteria Updates

Original Project Overview: to replace the flat tar & gravel roof on the cafeteria with a tapered roof, replace HVAC units in the building, minor updating of the interior of the building

New Project Overview: to repair damages done by the gas explosion on April 25, 2022 and to provide some updating throughout the building; damages from the explosion include the replacement of HVAC units, some kitchen equipment, windows, and portions of ceiling and wall throughout the building. Updates in addition to the damages will include cosmetic and technological improvements, utilities upgrades, improved restroom facilities, the relocation of the Adoration Chapel, and enlarging the main gathering space.

Status Updates:

  • March 22, 2025 - The newly-renovated hall is nearing completion! We have a punchless of items that the contractors are working on in the next few week and a group of parishioners working to get all the interior decor set up and ready for use. We hope to be in for Holy Week!

  • February 2, 2025 - The roof has been replaced, the doors are being installed, we’ve got some paint on the walls here and there, and some of the fixtures in the restrooms have been installed already. We are waiting for the terrazzo flooring to be matched and the air conditioning to be installed and soon we will start seeing the built-in work coming together. Official date of completion is early April, but we are hopeful that we might be able to get in sooner.

  • December 8, 2024 - The Updates to this page have been sparse, but the work has been just the opposite! The demolition crews arrived in October and started making quick work of the task before them. To date, they have changed the building layout according to the plans, done much demo of flooring to suit the new main hall area, put up walls, run plumbing and electrical, put up sheetrock, installed windows, and much more! They are ahead of schedule and under budget so far, very good things! Black Friday was good for us, as we were able to purchase most of the kitchen appliances and save money there as well. We are thrilled at the progress and can’t wait to see the finished project in Lent. (check the bottom of this page for photos of the progress!)

  • May 6, 2024 - Architectural drawings are in hand and being reviewed by the parish and diocesan committees before moving to the Bid Process.

  • January 29, 2024 - Discussions continue with parishioners and Kern Architects as we draw near to completed drawings. Our timeline has been pushed back a bit, but we are excited about moving forward.

  • September 11, 2023 - After discussion with several architecture firms, we have contracted with Kern Architects to oversee the project and draft the plans for renovations. It is anticipated that the bid process for contractors will not take place until February 2024, but we are excited to finally be moving on the drafting of plans and to have a goal to actually work toward.

  • July 25, 2023 - The Master Planning Committee met and proposed to the Building Committee a rough draft of plans for renovating the cafeteria, which will ultimately include increased restroom facilities, the adoration chapel, a meeting room, a smaller but still functional kitchen, altar society storage, and a larger main room. The Building Committee reviewed these and is in conversation with architects presently to get quotes on proceeding with the drafting of plans for us to proceed with the renovations.

  • June 26, 2023 - The Master Planning Committee (MPC) met on May 4 and June 14 to clarify the goals and tasks for the committee. This was aided by committee meetings with each ministry in the parish. A questionnaire has also been created to seek general parishioner input. While it seems an unnecessary delay to the cafeteria restoration work, it is vital that we discern and restore the cafeteria to the purpose we need and not simply to it’s previous condition. Further information can be found in Fr. Brent’s update letter here.

  • April 3, 2023 - The assessments and reports on the building are finally complete! The Building Committee is currently working to review the documents and review the relevant information with Catholic Mutual Insurance. Father Brent is presently working to get the Master Planning Committee together to begin discussions about the cafeteria, gym, and overall vision for our parish campus. For a bit more information on that point, please read the update letter from March 17.

  • March 17, 2023 - Click here to read Father Brent’s update letter.

  • January 23, 2023 - Steady but slow progress is being made with the assessments, reports, and insurance.

  • December 12, 2022 - The assessments are being completed and the reports are currently being compiled, after which they will be reviewed by the parish Building Committee.

  • November 28, 2022 - The assessments of the building have revealed some damage to the cafeteria that we had not seen before, or at least had not seen the extent of the damage. Great progress has been made to make the building safe and secure, but we still have a bit more work to do before the final assessment is completed and returned to us.

  • November 15, 2022 - The pressure test on the gas line was completed last week and the assessment of the building is underway! The full assessment will take a week or two to complete, depending on the findings, at which point we will begin preparing for the report to be sent out for bid to contractors. Being the holiday season, we expect a slower pace of progress, but at the ball is rolling!

  • October 10, 2022 - Legal complications have continued to delay the pressure tests on the gas lines, preventing the beginning of the restoration work. Despite the lack of actual work on the building, much legwork has been done behind the scenes with cause & origin experts and our legal representation.

  • September 19, 2022 - Pressure tests on the gas lines throughout the building should be completed next week, allowing the final assessment of the building to take place. The Building Committee has met and agreed on a list of tentative items to include in the restoration that would have comprised ‘Phase II’ of the renovations on the cafeteria.

  • August 8, 2022 - Final consultations are being made this week by those involved in the investigation and the full assessment of the building will take place shortly, allowing us to proceed to the bid process and diocesan approvals needed before the work can begin.

  • June 27, 2022 - The ‘all parties’ meeting took place as scheduled and turned up the need for more consultation and information prior to being able to do the full assessment of the building. Timeline is uncertain when the needed consultation and information gathering will be completed, but we are working to keep things going as quickly as possible.

  • June 20, 2022 - The previously mentioned ‘all parties’ meeting is scheduled for June 23. The Building Committee will be meeting as well to discuss General Contractors to invite for the bid process of the restoration work that will need to take place in the months ahead.

  • May 30, 2022 - A meeting of all parties involved is being scheduled for the middle of June to do a collective walk-through. After that, the full assessment of damages and needed repairs will be completed, after which we will be able to begin the bid process for repairs and restoration.

  • May 12, 2022 - Glass and other debris have been cleaned up around the building. The structural engineer’s investigation this week confirmed that the building does NOT need to be torn down, but can be repaired. More in-depth assessments are still needed to determine the needs during repair work, but this initial assessment is great news!

  • May 5, 2022 - Communications, walk-throughs, and investigations continue as we inch closer to being able to have a comprehensive assessment by structural engineers that will determine the soundness of the structure. It is hoped that cleanup on the exterior of the debris around the building will be able to resume within the week.

  • April 26, 2022 - Walk-throughs with engineers, insurance representatives, investigators, contractors, and building committee members revealed extensive damage to the HVAC units, windows throughout the building, ductwork in main cafeteria room, kitchen ceiling & hood vent system, and more. Determination of the viability of the building moving forward is yet to be determined, pending the completion of further investigations.

  • April 25, 2022 - At approximately 10:40am a gas leak in the cafeteria resulted in a major explosion when workers attempted to solder a leaking water line. Major damage done throughout the building.

  • April 4, 2022 - On March 29 & 31 meetings were held to discuss ideas on interior renovations to the cafeteria. A group of parishioners will be assisting with a list of needs/wants for the kitchen and prioritizing that for us. This will be merged together with our list of needs/wants for the building as a whole to assist us in prioritizing the projects that we are able to complete with funds dedicated toward the project. Work on the cafeteria is predominantly inside these days, focusing on the ductwork and interior needs for the project. A project completion date is still anticipated for May 15.

  • March 21, 2022 - the project is over 50% complete. The majority of the roof work is complete, excepting finish work around curbs for the AC units and gutters. The interior preparations for the AC system are underway as well. The difficulty of replacing older ceiling tiles has us now putting in a drop-ceiling with new lighting. Meetings will be held on March 29 & 31 to gather parishioner input for windows, flooring, and other details for the interior while we are updating the building.

  • February 2, 2022 - Pre-construction meeting held with ANR Construction and their sub-contractors to sort out details on the start of construction. Construction is set to begin on Monday, February 7 and should take 3-4 months to complete the full scope of the roof & HVAC portion of the project. Planning for interior updating will be underway shortly.

  • December 22, 2021 - ANR Construction offers a proposal for a change in the roofing materials that maintains the current plans; consultation was had together with AST Engineers, WHLC Architects, ANR Construction, and St. Agnes Building Committee and jointly agreed to proceed with the proposed change. This provides the same quality roof, same warranty, comparable materials cost, and has the advantage of moving the construction start date up several months.

  • November 1, 2021 - Asbestos abatement was completed for the flooring in the meeting room.

  • October 11-14, 2021 - ANR Construction notified us that construction materials for the roof are even further delayed, pushing work closer to summer 2022; in light of this, Facilities Manager Eric LeDuff secured tarps to the roof to prevent more water intrusion and damage.

  • September 27, 2021 - Our goal of raising $120,000 in parish building funds for the fiscal year (July 2021-June 2022) is met well ahead of schedule! Additional funding to complete the project can be taken on loan from the Diocese of Baton Rouge.

  • July 2021 - All contracts and financing were approved by the Parish Finance Council and Diocesan Representatives; contracts signed with ANR Construction.

  • Spring 2021 - AST Engineers and WHLC Architects deliver completed plans and the bid process began.