The Administration Team

Members of the Administration Team assist the pastor in being a spiritual leader by helping him with the managerial tasks, decision-making, and practical needs of parish life. With their aid, the pastor is able to be more of a shepherd to his flock and to better serve the parish.

Each member of the Team has authority to address needs and concerns within a specified area of parish operations that does not require the pastor’s personal attention. Following are the areas of oversight for each member, as pictured from left to right.

We invite you to contact the Admin Team as needed if you have questions and/or suggestions in their respective area.

Allen Kliebert

Director of Outreach

  • Food Pantry

  • Poor Box Distributions

  • Service to Needy

  • Volunteers for Parish Projects


Sam Mistretta

Director of Ministries

  • Adoration Chapel

  • Culture of Life Committee

  • Deaf Ministry

  • Grub Group

  • Homebound Eucharistic Ministers

  • Knights of Columbus

  • Latin Mass Group

  • Prayer Line

Fr. Brent Maher

Director of Sacred Liturgy

  • Altar Servers

  • Altar Society

  • Lectors

  • Sacred Music

  • Sacristans

  • Ushers


Karen White

Director of Formation

  • Called & Gifted

  • FORMED Programming

  • Guest Speakers

  • Homeschool Co-op

  • Pilgrimages

  • Parish School of Religion (PSR)

  • Rite of Christian Inititiation of Adults (RCIA)

  • Used Books Shelf

  • Vacation Bible School


Craig Toups

Director of Staff and Facilities

  • Parish Office, Maintenance, and Janitorial Staff

  • Campus Facilities