Organ Restoration
Project Overview: a total restoration of our Organ to clean pipes and replace damaged leather and engine, possible addition of pipes to enhance sounds, possible updating to the organ console
Finances: $736,000 for the costs of the Organ Restoration work. Additional costs of a limited nature are expected for the the cleanup and light repairs needed in the choir loft upon the removal of the organ.
Status Updates:
March 22, 2025 - The organ restoration work is complete and the final payment has been made. We are working with the musicians and sound engineer to transition back up to the loft for Holy Week.
December 9, 2024 - Our beautiful organ has been returned to us! The pipes are all in place and the tuning is underway presently. We’ve had some hiccups along the way, but are confident that things will work out and our historic Casavant organ will be ready to belt out praises to God at the Christmas Masses in a couple of weeks.
May 6, 2024 - Measurement and detail verification emails have been a quiet indicator that work continues to progress. The temporary organ is working very well for us in the interim. As summer begins we will be working on the minor work required (interior lighting, painting, and cleanup) to ensure a smooth reinstallation.
January 29, 2024 - The two-man crew from Casavant arrived and have worked tirelessly to disassemble the organ. The pieces and parts strewn across the vestibule and pews of the church are fascinating to see. The crew should finish tomorrow and begin loading to ship it off for the repairs and restoration to begin and continue through the end of October. At that time it will be returned and slowly pieced back together. In the mean time, we will do various maintenance and updating tasks in the loft that will allow it to continue to serve us well for years to come.
June 26, 2023 - A bit of leather re-working has been completed as a fix for the more urgent need of the organ to allow us to use it until January 2024. More information is available in the recent project update letter here.
May 17, 2023 - The contracts and details have been finalized and signed.
April 3, 2023 - After consultation with the Organ Restoration Committee, we have decided to proceed with Casavant Freres for the project. The parish is working with the diocese presently to finalize the contracts and financials. The work is scheduled to begin January 2024 and conclude by Christmas 2024.
March 17, 2023 - Click here to read Father Brent’s update letter.
January 23, 2023 - A second assessment has been completed and received. An ad hoc Organ Restoration Committee has been created to help with the discernment and selection of a company, as well as the practical implications of the restoration. Meetings with those companies who have submitted assessments will be held in February with hopes of providing the final bits of information the Committee needs to move forward with the provide.
November 15, 2022 - Further assessments by independent companies have been requested by our insurance and the Diocese, these being worked on presently.
October 10, 2022 - A final on-site walkthrough of the organ and discussion of the restoration process has clarified the scope, financing, and timeline of the project and final drafts should be delivered within the week. Discussions are underway with the Diocese of Baton Rouge to review documents, work out financing, and approve the project details in whole.
September 19, 2022 - A second proposal has been received and reviewed. We are currently working with Casavant Freres and the Diocese of Baton Rouge to iron out details on the contacts, financing, and timelines.
August 8, 2022 - A meeting of St. Agnes & Casavant Freres took place on July 15, which included in-depth discussion of the pricing, timeline, practical implications of the labor, and adjustments to the working proposal received on June 9.
June 27, 2022 - Consultations between Daniel Blanchard, local organists, and Fr. Brent have all taken place and another meeting will soon be had between St. Agnes and Casavant Freres to discuss pricing, possible stages of work, timeline, and other implications. More information forthcoming to the community when more concrete information is available to us.
June 9, 2022 - Casavant Freres’ full assessment of our pipe organ has arrived and it is impressively thorough. The document is being reviewed by organist Daniel Blanchard and others brought in for consultation. Full details on the price, scope, and timeline are forthcoming, pending follow-up meetings between Mr. Blanchard, Fr. Brent, and the representatives from Casavant Freres.
September 2021 - Representatives from Casavant Freres make a thorough in-person assessment of the organ and console. A detailed assessment of scope and timeline of the project is forthcoming, at which time we will be able to discuss dollar amounts, options, and timeline for the project.
July 2021 - St. Agnes’ Organist Daniel Blanchard contacted Casavant Freres, the designer of our organ, to arrange for an assessment of the organ in preparation for possible restoration.